

Industry-Based Services

eZRobotics provide effective and efficient customized engineering services tailored to the characteristics of
various industries around the world, especially in the automotive, shipbuilding, battery, and heavy industry fields.

Painting Shop


  • Automated Robot Marking System for Faulty Painting via DMWorks + Resource and Manufacturing Process Validation + Robot Offline Programming
  • Constructed 3D scanning and data libraries for each line of the paint shop.
  • Visualization of Faulty Painting Locations: Detected the location of faulty painting using a camera and applied an automated robot marking system for the faulty location.
  • Reviewed the interference between the product and surrounding resources in the locations where turning and curved motion occur.
  • Prevented on-site problems in advance by reviewing the products, resources, and manufacturing processes.
  • Verified the workability and reliability of the robot by using the robot cabling simulation.
  • Reduced the robot teaching time for painting via robot offline programming.


Shortened the Period for
Painting Quality Uniformity

Intuitive Response for Visualizing
the Location of Faulty Painting

Prevented Interference
in the Painting Booth Beforehand