
20 Years of Operation 80+ Dedicated Experts

Future of Digital Manufacturing

The Digital Manufacturing technology provided by eZRobotics is the most cost-effective and preventive action solution available
that allows the optimization of the production processes through various simulation and detection of possible problems
prior to the commissioning, installation, and operation of a physical factory.

Making the virtual world the same as the real world

eZRobotics Co., Ltd. (Suwon, South Korea) and eZRobotics USA, Inc. (Detroit, Michigan) have been
leading in the development and implementation of Digital Manufacturing with emphasis of digital
twin technology based on a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) and providing superior
customer-focused service in the areas of 3D Scanning Automation, Virtual Factory Simulation,
Robotics Simulation, Robot Offline Programming, and other related engineering services.

With the rapidly changing industrial environment and diverse needs of customers, our in-house
research and development laboratory has taken the concept of “making the virtual world the
same as the real world” to heart and making strides with making progress in the 4th Industrial
Revolution with Industry 4.0 by becoming innovators in the field of digital twin technologies,
virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

Continuous Innovative Technology Development and
Superior Customer-Focused Services

Using our experiences and capabilities, we have been providing our services of digital manufacturing
in the area of automated robot measurement with laser scanners and trackers along with analysis,
robot simulation, and robot offline programming to our global clients.
We continue to strive and differentiate ourselves by building trust with our clients
as well as providing the utmost professional services and our innovative core technologies.